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Los Angeles Mac Repair

It can be distressing when your Mac device gets broken. You really saved and spent a lot of cash purchasing it and the thought of dishing more to have it repaired just makes it even worse. If you Mac gets damaged during a move, or falls off your desk, or is hit by an object in your home, you could go for days or weeks without your device while Apple Store sends it off to their repair team and perhaps you won’t like the manner in which Apple-certified repairs bill their services.

In case of defective equipment, it’s normally hard and sometimes impossible to prove to the company that your hardware was faulty. The one thing worse than knowing you’re responsible for the damages on your Mac device is knowing that you’re not to blame for the damages but you’ll still have to take care of the repair charges. Instead of going back to the store and purchasing a new computer, trust a reliable Mac repair company in Los Angeles to do the fixing for you. Group Micro can repair a Mac when it has suffered damaged or you’ve had an unfortunate malfunction. We understand that accidents do happen, and even when dealing with faulty hardware whose damage you’re not responsible for, we’re on your side ready to help.

If you need your Mac repaired as efficiently and seamlessly as can be, Group Micro has got you covered. Our team of professionals can have your device fixed in the quickest way possible and have it back to you in a few days at most. We’ll start fixing you Mac repair as soon as soon as we diagnose the problem. As long as we have the particular Mac replacement parts with us at the moment, we won’t stop working on your Mac until is in perfect working order again. We repair all types of Macs, including Mac Desktops, Mac laptops, and a wide range of Mac hardware. This comprises your iMac Pro and MacBook. We’ve got what it takes to fix all Apple devices and you can rest assured that your desktop computer or laptop will be as good as new after we’re done with the repair.

Apple offers six diverse types of Macs which can be customized with features and specs that can be of great significance to the user. This implies that purchasing your Mac device was perhaps a labor of love, and anytime you need Mac repair in Hollywood, Brentwood, and Santa Monica, Group Micro is the Mac repair company you can trust. Group Micro’s reputation is founded on the high-quality Mac repair services we offer to our clients each and every day. Our primary goal is to provide our clients with fast, effective and affordable Mac repair services. If you’re looking for a Mac repair company that is ever improving, you’re on the right track.

From hardware problems such as resolving a power issue or replacing a faulty LCD to software issues like removing a virus from your laptop or installing a new operating system, from individual Mac repairs to full services IT solutions, Group Micro is your professional Mac repair service provider in the greater Los Angeles area. Here are a few of the Mac repairs we have done for our clients in Los Angeles and beyond;

  • Mac accessory repair
  • Touch Bar repair on MacBook Pro
  • Mac speaker repair
  • Mac laptop screen repair and replacement
  • USB replacement for Macs
  • Mac desktop CPU and tower repair

In addition, we can work on Wi-Fi card reader, motherboard, or do RAM replacement. We also offer operating system optimizations and software upgrade services.

Some computer owners assume that the term “hardware” simply refers to their mouse, screen, and Keyboard. The truth is, anything housed inside your computer’s CPU is a part of the hardware. This comprises memory drives, disk drives and ports. However small these parts are, they still need special care and therefore you should only work with a highly reputable repair company. Any piece of your Mac hardware can get damaged and so it a pretty good idea to have a Mac repair Company in mind just in case your device stops working.

A Word of Caution About DIY Mac Repair

There are thousands of YouTube Videos and search results on Google and other big search engines that demonstrate how easy it is to diagnose and repair your ailing Mac. It’s a good thing that these individuals have figured out how to take care of their broken Mac devices, but it can be hard to separate the rumors from the facts in cyberspace. What’s even frustrating is that you get fifty different solutions addressing the same problem. If you’re not sure or feel uncomfortable doing it, please don’t. You could be exposing your device to more damage that would make it impossible to even fix with specialized repair.

Also, if you go the DIY route, you’ll be required to buy the right tools which are so tiny and specific that you’ll probably never use them again, not to mention the possibility of failing to find them. Furthermore, with DIY repairs, you run the risk of voiding your warranty and that’s why you should trust Group Micro with your treasured device.

Why You Should Consult with Trustworthy Repair Specialists

Your Mac is a major investment and when something’s wrong, the easiest step you can take is to consult with a team of reliable Mac Repair technicians at Group Micro. Here are reasons why:

  • DIY leads to frustrations

Every Mac problem is unique and requires different solutions and parts. After all, you chose a device that suits your needs as an individual and the last things you want is getting parts that don’t match the damaged one you own. And if you’re not tech savvy, why add to the frustrations you already have?

  • Emergency Situations

Whether you have a demanding project on the horizon or wedding invitations to mail out by a certain date, you’ll need to get fast assistance as soon as you can. Your Mac device provides security for sensitive information and enjoyment, and it being damaged definitely obstructs enjoyment and usability. With trustworthy and competent repair experts, your emergency situation can be sorted in a matter of hours and you can have your device back on track in no time.

  • Save Your Money

The hassle of buying the replacement parts and tools, waiting for the delivery, and then fixing the damage on your own isn’t that cost-effective. When you visit a repair shop, the wait and expense of buying just one part is not there. At Group Micro, we offer convenience like no other as we are always stocked with various affordable Mac parts. We guarantee that our in-depth diagnosis of your device’s problems and repair services will save you the hassle and give you peace of mind.

Liquid Damaged Mac

Spillages happen and if you Mac falls victim, putting it in rice after the unfortunate encounter is such a bad idea. The original idea of rice was meant to mitigate the damage and not to repair it. When you Mac encounters liquid, no matter the amount, putting it in rice will do little or nothing at all to prevent further damage or total failure. Even if your device turns on or seemingly works alright after the rice treatment, chances are that the liquid has already come into contact with the electronic component inside the Mac. This, in turn, causes rust and corrosion and cause permanent damage on the logic board.

Mac liquid damage is an urgent matter that must be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Your Mac has to be opened to disconnect the battery, remove the motherboard and should then be inspected to determine the extent of the damage. Rice is not a repair tool, in fact, it tends to leaves a sticky weird dust that could cause further damage.

The other option that you’ll find on the internet is the infamous alcohol and toothbrush. Well, this may be a better solution than putting your Mac in rice but it also never completely removes the liquid underneath the logic board. Water does not damage your device, it’s the minerals in the liquid that are conductive and tend to cause damage to the energized components. The definitive solution to repair Mac liquid damage is for your device to be expertly dismantled and cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner, malfunction to be solved, logic board schematics to be read, and damaged components to be professionally removed.

To protect your investment and have peace of mind in knowing that your expensive gadget will be repaired appropriately and will continue to serve you in the future, look no further than Mac Repair services at Group Micro. If your device has encountered liquid, we will give it the attention it deserves and repair it accordingly to ensure functionality. Even if you think its dried, don’t sit back and hope that everything will work out, visit our office today and get exceptional services.

Mac Laptops

Apple’s Mac laptops are ahead of their time in many ways. With multiple sizes and a solid state hard drive to accommodate all users, these laptops were initially designed for power users but literally, anyone can buy the devices for all sorts of reasons, professional and otherwise. Being high-quality devices, Mac Laptops must be handled with special care. By purchase it, you make a commitment to use it for work, education, or maybe you’re just appreciating the very best of everything. But if the unfortunate happens and you need repair services for your Mac laptops in Los Angeles, choose none other than Group Micro. We repair all Mac Laptops, including, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, MacBook, iBook, and PowerBook.

These devices vary widely owing to the fact that they were manufactured out of different materials and at different times. For instance, some have a metals finishing while others plastic. Some were manufactured for performance while others touted for their lightness.

We’ve performed numerous services on Mac laptops including:

  • Cleaning and replacing the keys
  • Replacing charging ports and audio jacks
  • Installing additional RAM
  • Battery Replacements
  • Retina teardown
  • Repairing broken screens
  • Installation of a dual hard drive

Most Mac laptops are designed with a solid state hard drive that makes them extremely quiet when running. This, however, does not mean that anyone will be able to work on these complex devices. Sending your device back to the Apple store is not only expensive but also a timely process. Similarly, taking your computer to unqualified repair team could worsen the situation. To avoid all this, let Group Micro Mac specialists do the repair work on your device.

To ensure that we deliver high-quality repair services, we’ve got all the right tools necessary for Mac repair. In most cases, it takes special adhesive products and screwdrivers to get your Mac taken apart and put back correctly. If you allow an uncertified, inexperienced Mac repair technician to work on your device, by the time they get through with it, your computer could be irreversibly damaged and this will only mean that you’ll have to go back to the shop and fork out more than you could have if you trusted your device with an experienced and highly reputable repair company.

One of the most sensitive areas of Mac repair services is pricing. At Group Micro, we fully understand that everyone is on budget these days but that does not hinder you from receiving quality services at reasonable prices. Our prices are based on the fact that we know how frustrating it can be pay extra charges for repairs on a device that was already expensive, especially if your laptop or desktop wasn’t actually malfunctioning but just incurred some kind of damage.

Get in Touch with Us

Our technicians are highly skilled, friendly and helpful to our customers. When you visit us, you don’t worry that a technician will try to upsell you on accessories and services that you don’t need or want in conjunction with your necessary repair services. While other repair shops focus more on making a profit, we are more into ensuring our customers win. Whatever the issue is, we are always ready to fix the problem when you walk in the door and can get your Mac device repaired on the same day. However, in situations where multiple or complex repairs are inevitable, we’ll surely advise you accordingly. Our in-store services are particularly advantageous to the students and staff at UCLA. Contact us or visit ustoday to learn more and receive unparalleled Mac Repair Services.